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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thing for humans

human interface design is a hot topic going makes sense we are making systems for humans.but considering different nature each human posseses,big question remain as how can we generalise all to single interface that to serve all.
now i think it lies on the experience and mainly it is domain specific. in more detail, the right interface for a system depends on the ability and likeliness of the members of the organisation to "mingle" with the system. that depends on the capability and desire the members and as an organisation drives on.
see it is not always easy to address things bases
d on generalised term, things needs some tweaking titching once in a while

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Designing for internal & external

Recently, I was to undertake a project more like a mini one which involves dealing with your internal organisation structure and external parties as well.
Now, reason for this thing to be special, i must say, is i had to treat my internal correspondence to a level of external due to standards they are following. Argument over the standards, keep it aside for a while, but this exercise has taught me some good lessons in understanding the approach needed in advance.
You have to have a design in mind even you are deal with ones inside the organisation. You are portraying your self as the custodian thus requires you to be concrete on your design.
so when we approach for designing, it is required to remember the outlook you should be portraying to your internal organisation structure and to the outsiders.